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GlobalRPH Features PrecisePK as the Leading Bayesian Dosing Solution

GlobalRPH Features PrecisePK as the Leading Bayesian Dosing Solution

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GlobalRPH has rated PrecisePK as a leading commercial Bayesian dosing solution. Below are highlights of PrecisePK's software solution and you can read their full product recommendation here or by clicking the button above. 

• Ever-Growing Drug Models: PrecisePK’s in-house pharmacists transfer evidence-based literature to clinically-validated PK/PD models to develop each drug model based on the latest guidelines

• 30+ years of clinical experience and continuous research and development to ensure the highest degree of safety and standard of support for optimal clinical experiences.

Bayesian-derived continuous learning algorithms allow for precise, robust, and accurate patient-specific calculations and recommendations that take individualized drug factors into account. 

• The software leads the precision dosing industry in many ways. In a recent paper published in the Pharmacotherapy journal, by Turner, R.B., et al., PrecisePK was validated as “the most accurate” and “least biased” in predicting the Vancomycin AUC when compared to four other precision dosing softwares. You can read relevant research paper titled "Review and Validation of Bayesian Dose-Optimizing Software and Equations for Calculation of the Vancomycin Area Under the Curve in Critically Ill Patients.

• Works with world-class institutions and has received many customer testimonials, such as this example from University of California San Diego (UCSD): "PrecisePK has been in the industry for many years, formerly known as TDMS, and hence stands out as a top therapeutic drug monitoring platform due to its history. The new version is amazing visually and user-friendly too, requiring minimal training. The unique features of this platform that I find especially helpful for patient care are flexibility in selecting neonatal, pediatric and adult models to ensure you select the best Bayesian prior for your patient population; and adjustment for special populations, including obese, critically-ill status and post-cardiac surgery." -Dr. Jennifer Le, Pharm. D, MAS, FIDSA, FCCP, FCSHP, BCPS-ID, Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, Director of Experiential Education in Los Angeles-Orange County

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