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National Drug Take Back Day 2021 Wild Success

National Drug Take Back Day 2021 Wild Success

The United States is amid a global pandemic with the Novel Corona Virus, making news every night for over the last year. However, we’re also amidst another epidemic globally that has only gotten worse during this pandemic. 

Opioid overdoses are on the rise, and one of the best ways to combat this problem is by taking unused or expired drugs off the street and out of the hands of the public. Many people throw away their unused prescription bottles, ending those medications in landfills, only to be pilfered by desperate addicts. April 24th, 2021 was one of two National Drug Take Back Days (the second being in October). With a tough act to follow from October 2020 (a record breaking take back day; collecting around 500 tons of drugs) April aimed high. 


Hosted by almost 4,500 communities with 5,060 collection sites; Aprils numbers came in just shy of it’s October competition. None the less the entire collection from the past 10 years has collected 6,800 TONS of prescription drugs. 

All that is to say, we’re doing a great job and in order to mitigate the epidemic amid the pandemic, ARXG is doing its part by providing drug collection envelopes to communities, community programs, and pharmacies across the country. Simply order your envelopes in your desired quantity, distribute to your community, and let us do the rest. Community members place their prescription bottles into the envelopes and place in the mail to be mailed to the destruction facilities. You only pay the return shipping if the envelopes are sent to destruction. 


Rest easy knowing you took prescription drugs off the street and helped the environment by sending them to Waste-to-Energy (WtE) destruction facilities. Committed to protecting our communities not only in our take back programs but also in our destruction efforts. Pathogens from medical waste (from sharps to prescription drugs) can make its way into our waterways and thus our water supply. We take the extra step and care for our environment by partnering with one of the largest WtE destruction facilities to further minimize the impact on our world. 


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