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DocuTrack - The Power to Build a Better Pharmacy


The Power to Build a Better Pharmacy


Who couldn’t use a little extra help getting things done? Explore how DocuTrack can transform what efficiency looks like in your pharmacy. The right workflow solution can make a world of difference. Check out DocuTrack to see just how productive your pharmacy can be. 

The Power to…

• Unify: With one click, DocuTrack’s Unified Search gives you the ability to find prescription status from DocuTrack and PrimeCare®.

• Assist: You no longer have to live in fear of audits. DocuTrack’s Audit Assist will quickly process and build all the documentation needed to fulfill an audit.

• Automate: Increase your pharmacy’s productivity with DocuTrack Barcoding to further automate workflow.


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Software: Clinical Monitoring, Surveillance, Insights