Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Pharmacy Case Study: Winn Community Hospital

For more than 10 years SATECH, Inc. has proudly partnered with the United States Department of Defense to implement SmartCells Anti-fatigue and Fall Protection solutions in a variety of applications.

In July 2018 SATECH was contracted by the DOD to install 2000 sq. ft. of SmartCells Anti-fatigue flooring in the Winn Community Hospital pharmacy located in Ft. Stewart,GA. After reviewing the proposed space, SATECH recommended the 1” blue with poly flecking platform tile considering it is a popular option for many pharmacies due to its aesthetic appeal. In addition, 12” wide ADA compliant transition ramps were added in areas where users walk on and off the SmartCells. 

The complexity of this project required several custom cuts and configurations, but as always the DOD was very pleased with the end result. After more than a year of use, the employees at Ft. Stewart’s pharmacy continue to be pleased with the installation and benefits gained from SmartCells Anti-fatigue flooring.

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