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Reducing Pharmaceuticals in Hospital Wastewater

Reducing Pharmaceuticals in Hospital Wastewater 

PharmEcology Services, WM Sustainability Services 

Health Care Without Harm Europe recently published the document Pharmaceutical Residues in  Hospital Wastewater which explores the impacts hospitals have on community wastewater treatment efforts and describes five pilot projects to reduce common drug residues such as chemotherapy and contrast agents in hospital discharges.  

One of the methods noted in addition to treatment, and the easiest to implement, is to “follow  protocols to safely dispose pharmaceutical waste.” This study, coupled with EPA’s sewer ban on hazardous waste pharmaceuticals under 40 CFR 266 Subpart P, should encourage all healthcare facilities to review disposal practices in the pharmacy and nursing units to ensure that no drugs are being disposed down the drain, other than simple hydration fluids, such as salts and sugars.  

Kudos to Janet Bowen, EPA Region 1, for featuring this article in her healthcare industry newsletter.  To receive Janet’s newsletter, contact her at The full article can be accessed  at residues-in-hospital-wastewater-FINAL.pdf 

To learn more about individual products and services to assist in managing hazardous waste and hazardous drugs, and to receive a demonstration of our new portal, please contact us at 1-877-247- 7430 or at

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