Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Tagging and Labeling Assets Unlocks Additional Value from Your Data

One of the best practices we highly recommend to every new customer we work with is to take time and care to label all of their cooler and freezer units—also known as “assets”—during installation. There are big benefits to be gained when asset  labeling is done in a planned and systematic way because it allows you to tackle strategic and long-term questions with a little investment in design and process upfront. While adding labels to an existing deployment is readily possible, first installation is an ideal opportunity as you’ll be visiting each asset to install sensors and can capture detailed information like make and model, asset contents, and many other things.


Labeling assets sets the stage for your data to produce powerful insights and drive smart business decisions. For instance, three frequently used, cross-vertical labels are "environment," "make," and "model." Do you want to be able to assess whether your coolers or freezers generate more alerts? Use an Environment tag with those labels and you’ll have the ability to answer that question. Want to know how much more frequently open-air coolers go out of range relative to reach-ins (and walk-ins, and bunkers, and service cases…)? Again, set up a tag for equipment type, use those labels to annotate your equipment, and you’ll be able to answer that question. Want to know which Make and Model of fridge experiences the fewest issues over the long-term so you are more informed the next time you need to purchase equipment? Use Make and Model tags and you’re on the path to an improved procurement approach...

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