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Returns Made Easy With Pharma Logistics

The feedback from customers consistently states, “We are extremely happy with Pharma Logistics as our reverse distribution vendor.” The happiness results from field service representatives who are reliable, courteous, and knowledgeable. They handle the entire process, including generating the appropriate paperwork and preparing the shipment. 

Along with pharmaceutical staff not having to deal with all the required paperwork, they also do not have to scan and process products. The time savings can now go to patient care. More savings for the pharmacy come from hassle-free returns and the most credit disbursement possible completed on time. 

Pharmaceutical reverse distribution is crucial to remaining compliant. Pharma Logistics applies measures to ensure adherence to regulations. And because every client and location are different, Pharma Logistics offers return options.

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Whatever the need, clients receive superior customer service, whether onsite, via a real-time customer portal, or by phone. The service level has earned the trust of hospital pharmacies, the VA Health System, Department of Defense, independent pharmacies, pharmacy chains, and physicians’ offices.

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This post is related to:

Distribution: Returns, Reverse Distribution