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Providing the Space you Need to Succeed

Modular Cleanrooms

Providing the Space you Need to Succeed

Meets USP 797 and USP 800

Visit our website for all of your cleanroom needs.

• View different styles and photos of room designs.

• Retrofit and upgrade your existing rooms.

• Detailed information on components and options offered with our rooms.

• Find information on how to design a Cleanroom.

• A quote section that forwards bid requests directly and are typically returned within 24 hrs.

• Quotes can also be supplied directly over the phone in minutes, with confirming bids and drawings faxed or emailed the same day.

• Let us bid for your furniture, accessories, and consumable items to outfit your cleanroom.

• Let MCR help you to understand the requirements for Cleanrooms found in USP 797/800, 503 A/B, ISO and Fed. Std. 209e.

phone: 800-496-7666 

fax: 303-371-0270


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