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MedWise® Decision Support for Better Outcomes

As medication experts, community pharmacists hold the keys to their patients’ medication safety. MedWise® Technology was developed to improve patient care and provide better patient outcomes.

CareKinesis, a service of Tabula Rasa HealthCare’s (TRHC) CareVention HealthCare division, recently published a case study supporting this notion, further instilling the pharmacist’s role as central to a patient’s overall wellbeing and associated health outcomes.

CareKinesis is the first national medication safety and distribution pharmacy, centric to the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), providing comprehensive, long-term services and support to Medicaid and Medicare enrollees. CareKinesis partners with PACE organizations to provide individualized medication management services and reduce medication-related risk while enhancing economic, clinical, and humanistic outcomes.

CareKinesis’ case study demonstrates that community pharmacists, when equipped with science-backed tools that allow for review and assessment of primary risk factors for adverse drug events (ADEs), can meaningfully impact health outcomes.

The Case Study: Pharmacogenomic Testing in Practice

The subject of the study is a senior-citizen with several chronic conditions, facing multiple trips to the emergency room over the past six months, and a MedWise Risk Score™ of 29/50 (considered high-risk). The MedWise Risk Score, TRHC’s proprietary patient safety solution, identifies simultaneous, accumulative, multi-drug interactions, enabling pharmacists and prescribers to improve medication safety, efficacy, and adherence for better patient outcomes.

By obtaining a pharmacogenomic (PGx) test, the clinical pharmacist was able to identify both drug-gene and multi-drug interactions, as well as discover prescribing cascades in the patient’s staggering 13 medication regimen.

Based on the results, and by virtue of knowing the patient’s genetic makeup through PGx test results, the pharmacist performed a Medication Safety Review™ (MSR), and was able to provide four distinct and substantial recommendations to the patient’s PACE prescriber. An MSR is a comprehensive medication review conducted by certified MedWise Advisor™ pharmacists. MSRs ensure safe, effective, and personalized medication therapy for each patient served.

If accepted, the pharmacist’s recommendations would drop the patient’s MedWise Risk Score to 17/50 – a moderate risk level. Additionally, the opportunity exists to further lower the patient’s medication-related risk via future pharmacist intervention.

MedWise® Technology and PrescribeWellness

To enhance the care you currently provide, and help reduce risks associated with COVID-19 multi-drug interactions and other high-risk medication regimens, community pharmacists can utilize TRHC’s MedWise decision support tools, which are integrated directly within the PrescribeWellness software solution.


At no cost to PrescribeWellness clients, the MedWise Risk Score is accessible via the Patient Engagement Center to help maximize clinical impact across entire patient populations. This one-of-a-kind algorithm cumulatively compares how patients’ medications interact together, at the same time, discovering potential risks that other solutions often miss. The MedWise Risk Score provides added value to customers, helps deliver more personalized care, and keeps patients and caregivers coming back to the pharmacy.

A study recently published in the Journal of Patient Safety demonstrates that the MedWise Risk Score is a powerful indicator of increased risk of death among patients taking one or more medications, adding to the growing body of evidence validating TRHC’s MedWise Risk Score as an indicator for negative clinical outcomes.

Ready to provide personalized care to your patients through MedWise technology, now available within the PrescribeWellness solution? Leave your information below – we look forward to hearing from you!

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