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A Leading Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Software for Model-Based Bayesian & AUC Dosing [VIDEO]

PrecisePK - A PreciseRX Product

18 Available Drug Models

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A Leading Therapeutic Drug  Monitoring Software for Model-Based Bayesian & AUC Dosing

“The unique features of this platform that I find especially helpful for patient care are flexibility in selecting neonatal, pediatric, and adult models to ensure you select the best Bayesian prior for your patient population; and adjustment for special populations, including obese, critically-ill status and post-cardiac surgery.”- Jennifer Le, UC San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 

-24/7 Clinical & Technical Support

-HIPAA & GDPR Compliant

-Seamless EMR Integration

-Unlimited Trainings & User Accounts

-Unique Patient Populations

-2020 IDSA Vancomycin Guidelines Compliant | 1-858-360-7793 |

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Clinical Monitoring, Surveillance, Insights