Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Pevco News & Announcements

Pevco is a leading manufacturer of hospital pneumatic tube systems. Used by more than 650 hospitals throughout North America and the Middle East, Pevco systems track patient-critical materials as they travel between pharmacies, blood banks, labs, ORs, EDs and nursing stations, providing users with delivery confirmations and detailed reporting. Pevco’s flexible, intelligent systems – compatible with other competing pneumatic tube systems – reduce operating costs, improve safety and speed care.


January 1, 2024 | Announcements

Pevco is Named a 2024 Pharmacy500 Company!

Posted by RXinsider Staff RXinsider Staff


February 22, 2020 | Product Awareness

Pneumatic Tube Systems - Pevco

Posted by RXinsider Staff RXinsider Staff

ASHP Midyear 2019

December 8, 2019 | Must-See Exhibits & Booths

Must See Booths: ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition - Pevco

Posted by RXinsider Staff RXinsider Staff

Spotlights by RXinsider

November 18, 2019 | SPOTLIGHTS

Meet Pevco - Pneumatic Pharmacy Delivery from Point to Point


May 22, 2019 | Product Awareness

Pneumatic Tube Systems

Posted by RXinsider Staff RXinsider Staff

Pevco Profile

January 31, 2018 | Product Awareness

Pneumatic Tube Systems

Posted by RXinsider Staff RXinsider Staff

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